Expressive Arts

"Now spirit sings, Oh spirit sings, But you gotta do some hard things, For that swan to spread her wings, Those beautiful wings."

Rumi, 13c. poet and mystic

As a person-centered therapist, I use expressive healing arts with some clients. It is one tool in a diverse bag of resources that I offer. I respect, first and foremost, the choice of each person to explore through the arts or not.

I search for the art that my clients are drawn to. That may be drawing, painting, sand tray, storytelling, collage making, music, creative movement, beading, journaling, or poetry to enhance the experience of clients. Vast research in neuro-science and psychology show evidence that engaging in artistic activity is calming to the body and mind and has great success in reducing anxiety.

Anyone and everyone can make art. The arts uniquely help people relax, breathe easily, become present to their experience, and bring clarity to thoughts and feelings. The creation itself may be a simple design, a scribble, or a story in the sand. The process can be fun, challenging, and revealing. It can be lighthearted or serious.

The goal is not to make beautiful fine art, although often something aesthetically pleasing does emerge. Generally, I find clients are surprised by the positive effects of expressive art. I sometimes combine art with a mindfulness meditation, relaxation exercise, or creative visualization. The artistic process allows permission to include all thoughts and emotions, bringing to light what was hidden and unknown. In a safe space, the client enjoys this added dimension and can more easily incorporate all sides of experience.

Art by Nina

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