
"May this story give you strength. You have everything you need."

- Native Healer
Girl with Orange, drawing by Nina Gorbach
Art by Nina

Storytelling is a traditional folk art expressing the universal need to communicate, to connect with others, to imagine and discover something new. Stories contain every human emotion. They remind us to wonder, whatever our past wounds, to stay open to the mystery of all that is possible. They awaken us to our own inner truth, the ability to overcome trials and rejoice in our achievements, to all that is sacred in life.

I have studied with storytellers all over the world and delight in telling healing stories from many cultures to children (natural storytellers!) teens, adults and families. I create a safe, supportive environment for people to create their original stories, individually and together.

Irving Polster wrote a wonderful book “Every Person’s Life Is Worth a Novel” and I believe that to be true. I enjoy helping people uncover their personal stories, the past flowing into the present. They are the heroes (includes all genders) of their biographies and they can choose to write new chapters every step of the way.

During these COVID times, I offer online storytelling. I look forward to in-person storytelling and storytelling workshops in the future. Becoming curious about the stories we tell ourselves and others, we grow, learn and change in joyful ways. Let the power of story enliven your life!

"In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions. When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence? When did you stop being enchanted by stories?"

- Gabrielle Roth

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